Introducing "Reptilia", a poetry debut from Hanna Tawater

We are very proud to introduce our next forthcoming title, "Reptilia", a poetry collection from Hanna Tawater. As one of the writers for States of Terror Vol.1, we are excited to be able to share her unique work with you.Reptilia is an exploration of the dark feminine through the lens of myth, quantum physics, and the colonial nature of semiotics. With bold approaches that seek to unravel the nature of patriarchal realities, Hanna Tawaters poetry captures the fury of the universe encased in the unblinking demeanor of the serpent. The text echoes across time, space, thought, and phylum, and transports the reader to a place where you will always find the apex to be cold-blooded.

Available in bookstores everywhere on September 18th, 2018. Pre-order your copy today at this link!
